replacing AC cooling hoses

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replacing AC cooling hoses

Post by Monty »

My MkI 2007 C350 needs new AC cooling hoses as the originals are dry rotting. Anyone with experiences in this area to advise on issues, techniques? My intake and pump are in the bilge and the supply hose runs under the floor, under the refer and out in the lazarette and up to the compressor. Is the hose under the floor loose? Can I attach a new one and pull it through with the old, or is it secured to the hull? The drain hose looks equally challenging. Any information on length of the supply hose? All help, advice, pictures, etc appreciated. Steve
Steve Montgomery
Salty, hull #418
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Re: replacing AC cooling hoses

Post by KenKrawford »

Steve, is your unit factory installed? Once you disconnect both ends and start pulling you'lI know pretty quickly if it's secured or not.
I added AC to my boat after delivery and was able to fish the water intake hose from the bilge to the cockpit lazarette fairly easy. I've had good luck using 10ft sections of 1/2" Pex tubing. It's rigid enough that it can be pushed through tight spaces fairly easily yet can deflect around objects if needed. I will usually make a few tries from one direction and if unsuccessful will then try from the opposing direction.
Ken Krawford
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Re: replacing AC cooling hoses

Post by Monty »

Factory installed, so I am a bit concerned they may have tied down the hoses to stabilize them. Looks like I have to pretty much deconstruct the AC box in the lazarette to access the supply hose as it exits out from behind the internal liner. The AC drain is not much easier' it ends up in the thru hull drain in a very awkward location. They didn't install either one with replacement in mind....same with the refrigerator drain line to the pump least if that leaks into the bilge from dry rotted hose, it's very small volume. If the AC pumps into rotted hose it could fill the boat quickly! Steve
Steve Montgomery
Salty, hull #418
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Re: replacing AC cooling hoses

Post by Monty »

for those needing to do this; have no fear. The process was not as tough as I envisioned. The supply hose from the pump runs under the floor, weaving in between the engine sump and the little storage bin in the galley floor. It is not tied down or secured so one can connect the old to the new and use the old one to pull the new one through with no issues. After taking the top shelf completely out and the big fiddle on the bottom shelf I could get down to the opening to the two thru hulls to change those ends. All in all, in wasn't a bad job. I had to take the aft cover off the box containing the AC compressor and fan to access the hoses as well as the drain hose. Interestingly, there is an entire unused shelf under the shelf the compressor sits on. It just happen to fit the case my flares are in. I cut the corner of the aft cover out to allow access to the opening and gained that storage space. Let me know if you have an questions. Steve
Steve Montgomery
Salty, hull #418
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Re: replacing AC cooling hoses

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We just had ours replaced last month. The marina did ours. We replaced the above the water thru hulls for the A/C and the hoses as well. Our boat had 90's on the thru hulls that went to the compressor and the pan drain. When the marina replaced the thru hulls, they removed the 90's and made had the hose feed to the thru hull straight in. They had to cut access holes in the wood partition below the A/C unit. The did say that replacing the hose from the A/C to the pump (Our pump is in the bilge as well) was a pain. Do not try taking up the cabin sole boards, nothing but fiberglass below. They were able to attach a line to the old hose, pull it thru, then use the line to pull back in the new hose.

We have a 2007 Hull# 423
Good Luck!
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Re: replacing AC cooling hoses

Post by Monty »

for those needing to do this; have no fear. The process was not as tough as I envisioned. The supply hose from the pump runs under the floor, weaving in between the engine sump and the little storage bin in the galley floor. It is not tied down or secured so one can connect the old to the new and use the old one to pull the new one through with no issues. After taking the top shelf completely out and the big fiddle on the bottom shelf I could get down to the opening to the two thru hulls to change those ends. All in all, in wasn't a bad job. I had to take the aft cover off the box containing the AC compressor and fan to access the hoses as well as the drain hose. Interestingly, there is an entire unused shelf under the shelf the compressor sits on. It just happen to fit the case my flares are in. I cut the corner of the aft cover out to allow access to the opening and gained that storage space. Let me know if you have an questions. Steve
Steve Montgomery
Salty, hull #418
Deltaville, VA
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