Mystery duct

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Mystery duct

Post by c350ia »

I have a duct dangling in my cockpit lazarrette. The duct goes into the corner of the forward bulkhead and appears to connect to nothing. It does not appear on the other side of the bulkhead!
It appears to be the same type of duct that is used for the heater duct which is actually routed through the engine compartment.
I suspect that the heater installing technician tried to get it through to the cabin via this route and then gave up and did not bother to remove the piece of ducting.

Does anyone else have such a duct? See attached picture

I was just going to cut it off and remove it as it does not appear to have any function.

Appreciate any advice

Trevor Rabie #460
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Re: Mystery duct

Post by Triumph »

This is the AC duct that the factory installs for the air conditioning unit that usually sits where you see this duct. It runs up the starboard side all the way to the front cabin. It's a nice thing to have and thank you Catalina. It makes installing the AC system easier.

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