Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

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Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by RCattell »

Hi everyone,

This has been brought up before, and I don’t think there has ever been a definitive answer.

So here it is, YES, you can run the Air Conditioning with a Honda EU2000i !!!!

I bought a Supco SPP8E Super Boost start capacitor and relay; wired it in parallel with the run capacitor of
my Marvair SPB16RCBR 16,000 BTU Heat Pump and the generator will run the air conditioner.
Now to get an extended run tank from Wise Sales, and we will be in business.

I had to try the air twice before it worked properly though, I think the capacitor had to get a full charge before it would work.
It also quieted the compressor down a little, especially at compressor startup.

When I run the setup, I am only running the air conditioning, nothing else.
And of course, your mileage may vary… Depending on which brand air conditioner you own….

Any thoughts?

:D :) :o :lol: :P :wink: :mrgreen:
Richard Cattell
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by Air Mobility »

I have been trying to decide if or how I should persue this problem. (running my air conditioning while at anchor) I presently do not use an aux generator, but have been looking at the Honda. Please keep the forum up to date on your modification and how the a/c systm responds to it. I would be concerned about damaging the motor that runs the heat pump. I'm not an electrical expert or engineer, but I do most of my own mx and repairs.

George Fisher
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by RCattell »

Hi George,

Finally, someone takes an interest to this... Guess it's not hot enough yet :lol:

We are going on a cruise next week and will try it out if Florida doesn't get anymore cold fronts.

The addition of the hard start kit actually quieted down the A/C compressor while running off shore power!!!
It also starts easier, and runs smoother. I don't think it will hurt the heat pump compressor, as some of the manufacturers are now boasting low start-up amperage. So they must be putting start kits on them now, mine did not have a start kit.

It was an easy install, just took about two hours to take everything apart, then 5 minutes to wire it and secure with zip ties.

Should have taken the camera and taken pictures... :(

What brand heat pump do you own???
Richard Cattell
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by Air Mobility »


We have a Rotary Aire 16,000 BTU. Does the manufacturer of the A/C unit make a differance in the modification? We're going down to the boat tomorrow to put the sails on and do a little spring mx. I'll look around to see if I can locate the required parts.


George Fisher
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by RCattell »


The brand should not make a difference, I was just curious...

If it gets hot down here next week, I will run this and try it out and report back.

Also, bought a 6 gallon tank to run the generator on from Wise Sales on the Web.
Richard Cattell
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by RCattell »

Well, this worked for a while.... :?

Then my A/C compressor would no longer stay running, even on shorepower!!!

Took off the Hard Start Capacitor, (BAD) and now the A/C works fine.

We are getting a MasterVolt generator installed next week.

Anyone want to buy a Honda 2000 with extended run tank for $700.00... You pay shipping, it has about 20 hours on it.
Richard Cattell
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by Chips Ahoy! »

Hi Rich,

I was following this thread. Don't have A/C yet but have been using the Honda for a few years.
Why dump it?
It's great for battery charge, hot water...even hair dryer for the Admiral.
We're on a mooring as you can see.

...just a thought

George ...a different george
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by Golden Handcuffs »


How do you use your generator for battery charging? Do you use the 12-volt output of the generator, or do you hook the generator into your shorepower system and run your 120-volt battery charger? Do you use a household (3-prong) to 30 amp adapter?
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by Chips Ahoy! »

I bought the battery charging adapter that has the alligator clips...never used it.
I have the adapter 3-prong/shore power ...plug the shore power cable into it.
I was appalled at the cost, but I'm glad I got it.

The batteries are charged by plugging this into the 120V charger.
I actually prefer this because the onboard charger has the proper circuitry.

The only downside to the Honda is that she has dirty feet so I put something under it so she doesn't leave black circles on the deck.

It's very quiet but you may need to experiment with the placement so it isn't positioned on the center of a "drum head" to speak. Friends at neighboring moorings claim they can't hear it at all.
-george pringle
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by JerryRoss »

Richard Cattell,

In April 2009 you posted a message about using a Supco SPP8E Super Boost start capacitor and relay wired it in parallel with the run capacitor of your Marvair SPB16RCBR 16,000 BTU Heat Pump and using a Honda 2000i generator to run the AC.

Has this system continued to work well for you?

I have a Crusair SXR16 self contained 16,000 BTU AC but my Honda 2000i will not start it so I am interested in trying your solution.

Can to give a few comments about why you chose the Supco SPP8E and more specifics about just how you wired it to your AC? Thanks.

Jerry Ross
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by TBOT422 »


If you noticed, the SuperBoost capacitor eventually failed, and Richard had an on-board generator installed.

However, I did run across this discussion on an HVAC web site (not marine air related) about the SuperBoost capacitors:

I thought the interesting comment in the thread was the following:
When I went to college, they taught us how to match up potential relays to the requirements of a compressor, so I have never felt a need to use Kickstarts or Superboosts.

The Superboost product is worthless where I am. The PTC just takes to long to cool off.
Kickstart is better, but the relay in them does not reset fast enough. When it gets really hot, the electric provider shifts loads around a lot. It isn't unusual around here for the power to flicker off and on quickly as they switch the loads around during peak times, sometimes more than once an hour. Kickstarts just don't respond fast enough.

One size does not fit all in my opinion.

I do keep one Kickstart on my truck though, as a diagnostic tool to unstick compressors. If things run fine after I get it started, I make up a real start kit for the unit.

Match up a potential relay with the actual requirements of the compressor.
Install in the smallest start cap that will start the compressor every time when you switch the power off and right back on.
Install a RESISTOR across the terminals of the start cap
Securly mount the components in the control compartment.

There is no substitute for doing it right.
So, possibly, a good marine air technician that happens to also be an electrical engineer might be able to design something that would make the Honda work. I can't help as I am a mechanical engineer and hate electricity! I am interested though, as I too have a Honda generator, and would like to make it work if it was feasible and didn't have much risk of making things worse.
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by JerryRoss »

Gary & Janet,

Thanks for the reply. I did not follow the thread to Richard's failure. I think I am giving up on running my AC with my Honda 2000i. I'm beginning to doubt there is a satisfactory solution and am not sure I want to have that much generator noise while at anchor. The generator is pretty noisy just charging my batteries through the shore power connection and really winds up when I turn on the water heater. I believe it is just too small to run the AC for multiple hours even if I could get the AC to start. Thanks again.
Jerry Ross
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by RsqDiver32 »

The only solution we found that would work consistently was to either buy the Honda 3000i or two Honda 2000's, one EU200i and one EU200iA companion. We opted for the redundant generators. When run in parallel, with an optional parallel cord, they provide plenty of juice to run the A/C or a heater in winter. During the more temperate cruising months, we can use just one to charge the batteries (with our onboard battery charger), heat water, or run the microwave or blender. They are light and manageable enough for the Admiral to handle them and easily stowable in the stbd lazerette and/or aft cabin while underway. While there's no perfect solution for AC onboard, this has worked very well for us over the past year. It has extended our enjoyable cruising season by at least four months (summer heat and winter cold) and they are only put onboard when we'll need them. It has also made us less reliant on our engine for battery charging while on the hook and underway, which is notoriously rough on diesel engines that like to be run hard, not sputter away at 1400-1600 RPM with minimal load.

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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by colmitch »

In trying to follow the various comments about using the Honda 2000 to run the air conditioner and I'm still a bit confused. It appears that it will not work by simply pluggin into the shore power connection on the stern and further modifications are needed. Some suggested that it doesn't work well even with these modifications.
All the comments on this topic are rather dated and I'm wonderng if there is any new or different information.

Greig Mitchell
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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by nybor »

Hi. I did what a previous poster did. I have the Yamaha 2000 (similar to the Honda). Using a single one, when plugged into the shore power outlet, can run EVERYTHING EXCEPT the AC. It won't start the compressor by itself - even with nothing else on. So, I have a second generator and with the two, no problem. Of course, then noise does become an issue. I made a soundproofing box (using velcro so it comes apart) and when the two are on the transom (tied down!) and the box over them, it is pretty quiet. I did buy the Super capacitor but am afraid to try it. I don't want to hurt the AC.

I also like the ability to charge the batteries, cook, etc. using a single generator.

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Re: Air conditioning with a Honda generator!!!

Post by stevewitt1 »

Just wondering. If you have two gennys and run them parallel to start your a/c unit, have you tried shutting off one generator after the compressor is running? I know it would require restarting it if the compressor cycles but if it has a long run time I was just wondering. I've used my Honda 2000i many times on the boat (my C34) but never with my A/C which was a 12,000 windowless carry on.
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