Calling all C350's in the Tampa Bay area. If we can get 5 boats there we can have our own class or division. We will "race" in the fun division called the "Mother Lode". I will be in charge of rating the boats based on the small differences. It will be a staggered start pursuit race, meaning probably just one or two boats starting at the same time. It is a long course around the bay, probably 3-4 hours.
The RUMGATTA is a blast. Free dockage, free beer, free breakfast Saturday, and at the party, rum drinks and free music. Music this year is by the LANDSHARKS, the Jimmy Buffet band. The burger dinner Friday night with beer is about $6. The $60 entry fee for Saturday covers, race entry, 2 dinners, 2 Rum Party Tickets, and a tee shirt. Additional dinners and party tickets are available for an added cost.
We can have separate C350 Rumgatta Trophies if we get a bunch of boats there. So far I think we have three. Go to the Tampa Sailing Squadron website, or to enter. email me with questions at 813-404-9712
Come on out to this, let's make a C350 rendezvous out it!
Bill Cullen
RUMGATTA in Tampa Bay Oct 2, 2021
Moderator: KenKrawford