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Keeping those pesky birds off your lifelines

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:35 pm
by two_steppin
Folks at my marina have tried all the latest gadgets to keep the birds off the lifelines and their droppings off the deck. I've tried owls, magnets, etc, but I got a great tip from a dockmate! It is cheap and doesn't make your boat look like a Christmas tree or a zoo. Just tie a length of fishing line, about 12 inches long ,onto your front lifelines (or those nearest the dock) at approximately every 6 inches. Tie the line to your lifeline in the middle of the line segment so that the two end have about 5 plus inches to flutter about. You want the two ends to be pointing up when you finish tying them. The fishing line is nearly invisable, won't hurt you or your crew if you accidenly grab one, and the movement of the two ends seems to bother the birds enough that MOST of them will avoid your boat. This is my second year with the "flutters" and it works great. I'm going to add some segments further back on the boat for those birds that are too stupid to stay away alltogether.